Redirect (Full page)
The redirect payment experience is the popular means to use Express checkout due to its simplicity.
Customers will be redirected away from their current view to a page that looks like the screenshot below, to complete their payment.
A complete checkout redirect example has been provided below in a simple HTML script that can be adopted in virtually any web application and be guaranteed to work.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title of the document</title>
<button id="pay-button" onclick="createCheckoutRequest()">
function createCheckoutRequest() {
// 1. Create your checkout payload
var payload = {
customer_first_name: "John",
customer_last_name: "Doe",
msisdn: "254700000000",
account_number: "ref-qwerty",
request_amount: "100",
merchant_transaction_id: "1234567890",
service_code: "<YOUR TINGG SERVICE CODE>",
country_code: "KEN",
currency_code: "KES",
callback_url: "",
fail_redirect_url: "",
success_redirect_url: ""
// 2. Encrypt the checkout payload in the server
const req = window.fetch('<YOUR ENCRYPTION ENDPOINT>', {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(payload)
if (!req.ok) {
console.log("Request failed. Payload could not be encrypted...");
.then(function (resp) {
return resp.json()
.then(function (data) {
Success redirect
Once they successfully make a full payment they will be redirected to the
URL given in the checkout payload.
The redirect to the success_redirect_url
is done using a FORM POST request with the parameters below:
Request Body
Request BodyParameter Name | Type | Description |
checkout_request_id | Double | A unique identifier on Cellulant’s end. |
merchant_transaction_id | String | Unique ID the merchant raised for the request |
request_amount | Double | The converted amount for the request raised by the merchant |
original_request_amount | Double | The original request amount raised by the merchant in the invoice currency |
request_currency_code | String | Converted currency for the request the customer made the payment in |
original_request_currency_code | String | ISO Code of the currency code the merchant raised the request in |
account_number | Double | Merchant reference the customer was paying for |
currency_code | String | ISO Currency code of the payment made |
amount_paid | Double | Amount the customer paid for the request |
service_charge_amount | Double | Charges added to the service for the request initiated |
request_date | Date | Date when the request was raised in |
service_code | String | Unique service code identifying the service the payment request was raised for. |
request_status_code | String | Overall request code indicating the status of the service 177 - partially paid requests 178 - indicating the request was fully paid for 179 - indicating the request was partially paid for but expired 129 - Request expired without payments 102 - Insufficient funds 101 - Invalid pin/canceled 99 - Generic Failed Payment Status |
request_status_description | String | Description of the status given back on the webhook request |
MSISDN | String | The mobile number the person came with from the merchant site |
payments | JSON Array | An array of successful payments made to the request |
failed_payments | JSON Array | An array of any payments initiated but not successfully authorized |
extra_data | String | metadata |
country_abbrv | String | Abbreviation of the country |
Payments array for both failed and successful payments array.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
customer_name | string | Customer name of the person who made the payment |
account_number | string | Merchant reference the customer was paying for. |
cpg_transaction_id | String | Unique Cellulant identity |
currency_code | string | ISO Currency code of the payment made |
payer_client_code | string | Payment option customer paid with e.g. Airtel |
payer_client_name | String | Payment option customer name |
amount_paid | double | Amount customer paid for |
service_code | String | Code of service paid to |
date_payment_received | Date | When the payment was made and received |
MSISDN | string | The mobile number the customer is paying for |
payer_transaction_id | string | Unique ID the MNO or bank generated for the transaction |
hub_overall_status | string | The overall status of the payment made is described on the status code table below |
payer_narration | String | Payment description is given by MNO, bank, or card acquirer. |
Here is a sample JSON request body that you'll receive in the IPN:
"request_status_code": 178,
"account_number": "11800",
"merchant_transaction_id": "56679792",
"amount_paid": 15,
"service_charge_amount": 0,
"request_amount": "10",
"payments": [
"account_number": "11800",
"payer_client_name": "Mula Checkout",
"amount_paid": 5,
"payer_narration": "The service request is processed successfully.",
"date_payment_received": "2021-11-26 14:47:45.0",
"currency_code": "KES",
"payer_transaction_id": "PKQ082LB08",
"cpg_transaction_id": "1195072932",
"payer_client_code": "MULACHECKOUT_KEN",
"hub_overall_status": 139,
"service_code": "MULACHECKOUTONLINE",
"customer_name": "Customer",
"msisdn": 254700000000
"account_number": "11800",
"payer_client_name": "Mula Checkout",
"amount_paid": 5,
"payer_narration": "The service request is processed successfully.",
"date_payment_received": "2021-11-26 14:47:45.0",
"currency_code": "KES",
"payer_transaction_id": "PKQ082LB08",
"cpg_transaction_id": "1195072932",
"payer_client_code": "MULACHECKOUT_KEN",
"hub_overall_status": 139,
"service_code": "MULACHECKOUTONLINE",
"customer_name": "Customer",
"msisdn": 254700000000
"original_request_amount": 10,
"checkout_request_id": 6,
"currency_code": "KES",
"failed_payments": [],
"request_currency_code": "KES",
"request_date": "Fri Nov 26 11:47:04 GMT 2021",
"service_code": "MULACHECKOUTONLINE",
"request_status_description": "Success payment",
"original_request_currency_code": "KES",
"msisdn": "254700000000",
"extra_data": "abcd",
"country_abbrv": "KEN"
Failed redirect
In case they re-open the link past the
and the checkout request is mark as expired, they will be sent to thefail_redirect_url
specified in the checkout payload.
Updated 11 months ago