Dedicated Virtual Account

This is a guide on how to integrate to the checkout platform to be able to collect via static accounts in Nigeria

This gives businesses access to our APIs so they can generate virtual (credit-only) account numbers that can be configured to meet their business needs and use cases.

These accounts are also known as static accounts, as they have the ability to receive multiple payments without expiring.

Dedicated Virtual Account Sequence Diagram

Dedicated Virtual Account Sequence Diagram

Pre-requisites - Requirements to get started

Configure ServicesAfter successful registration, every business gets a default service
Setup payments optionsChannels from payment providers through which customers are able to pay
Retrieve KeysAPI keys are what uniquely identifies your services when integrating with the checkout platform


Authentication Keys Required: clientID and clientSecret

Integration Steps

Authenticate RequestsThis function is used to retrieve an authentication token for all the requests done via the checkout API
Generate Static AccountThis function is used by the merchant to be able to generate a static account that their customer can pay into
Query Request Status/Fetch Individual Request DetailsThis function is used by merchants to check for the status of the checkout request that was posted earlier.
Fetch Request Details Using DateTime and AccountNumberThis function is used by merchants to fetch multiple payments based on time and specific virtual accountNumber generated for the merchant.
Acknowledge PaymentsThis is when the merchant wants to acknowledge the request with a final status or a delivered status. This is sent as a JSON POST request.
Initiate RefundThis function allows a merchant to refund payments that were already acknowledged as received and processed successfully
Merchant CallbackThis section outlines details of the server-to-server webhook call done after a payment is completed.