Generate Static Account

Allows merchants to generate static accounts for their customers to pay into.

For static accounts the customer can make payments to the same account without going back to the checkout page to complete the payment.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer <Bearer_Token> generated during authenticate request in step 1.YES

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequired
merchantRefstringThis is a uniqueID on merchant’s end for every request to generate a static account.TRUE
accountNamestringThis is the name the customer will see when paying into the virtual account.TRUE
serviceCodestringThe customer’s unique code to identify the merchant on checkout.TRUE
amountstringAmount to be paid to the virtual account however it does not prevent the customer from changing the amounts they pay into the account.TRUE
paymentTypestringThis is to indicate which bank to process the payment via e.g
WEMA– for Wema Bank, STERLING – for sterling bank and ZENITH– for Zenith bank
requestDescriptionstringThe transaction's narrative.FALSE
bvnstringBank verification number that is 10 to 14 digits issued to the customer or merchant in NigeriaTUE


    "merchantRef": "8398424REGRT422",
    "accountName": "<ACCOUNT_NAME>",
    "serviceCode": "<SERVICE_CODE>",
    "amount": 200,
    "paymentType": "WEMA",
    "requestDescription": ""

Response Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
statusCodestringRequest status code. See full status code details below
statusDescriptionstringDescription of the transaction status
accountNumberstringStatic account the customer can pay into


Successful Response

    "statusCode": 200,
    "statusDescription": "Request processed successfully"
  "results": {

Failure Response

    "status": {
        "statusCode": 422,
        "statusDescription": "serviceCode does not exist"
    "results": null

Authentication Failure Response

    "message": "Unauthenticated.",
    "status_code": 500