Card Enrolment
Covers how to generate an agreement ID for recurring transactions that can be passed to Mastercard.
The Card enrolment process will involve the following steps:
- Generate an OAauth token to authenticate the requests.
- Initiate a checkout request for which the transaction will be authorized for.
- Enrol card transaction using 3DS where under the encrypted source_Of_funds field you will pass the field storedOnFile with value TO_BE_STORED as described here for 3Ds charging.
- The agreement_id will be sent on the redirect payload that the merchant gives us as a query parameter called agreementID example of redirect id:
- The agreement_id will be sent also on the callback URL under the payments array as part of the payer_narration JSON string:
Example of the payer_narration string is"{\"status_description\":\"Transaction was successful\",\"status_code\":200,\"agreement_id\":\"36477388829929\"}"
- Query for the agreement_id generated by the acquirer/issuing bank.
- You can now initiate a charge without 3Ds without CVV or a charge token without 3Ds request with the agreement_id field given back above.
Updated 10 months ago