Charge Card with Token 3DS
Use generated token to charge as opposed to the encrypted card details
3D Secure Flow
Header Parameters
Header | Value | Required |
Authorization | Bearer <Bearer_Token> generated during authenticate request in step 1. | YES |
Content-Type | application/json | YES |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
serviceCode | string | Unique code identifier for the merchant's service in use as provided on the checkout platform. |
merchantTransactionID | string | Unique transaction ID identifying the transaction as given by the merchant. |
payerModeID | integer | This is a number representing the payment option client and the mode in use e.g. using a mobile money client paying via STK push. This will be provided as part of the payment options |
languageCode | string | 2 letter code for the language used for the transaction. |
countryCode | string | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country you wish to collect payment for. |
3ds | string | true |
checkoutRequestID | integer | A unique transaction ID identifying the transaction logged in the checkout platform. |
sourceOfFunds | JSON Object | Pass generated token under sourceOfFunds.token |
order | JSON array | Order details as described in the Authorization with 3D Secure section. |
billingDetails | JSON array | Billing details as described in the Authorization with 3D Secure section |
browserDetails | JSON array | Browser details as described in the Browser details reference. |
agreementID | String | This is the enrolment ID generated by Mastercard confirming the customer has agreed to be charged for recurring payments. |
"merchantTransactionID": "{{merchantTransactionID}}",
"checkoutRequestID": "{{checkoutRequestID}}",
"PayerModeID": "{{PayerModeID}}",
"languageCode": "en",
"countryCode": "NG",
"3ds" : "true",
"serviceCode": "{{service_code}}",
"order": {
"accountNumber": "ASDF7E",
"chargeAmount": "1000.00",
"currencyCode": "KES",
"requestDescription": "Order XX Purchase"
"sourceOfFunds": {
"billingDetails": {
"address": {
"city": "Nairobi",
"countryCode": "NG"
"customer": {
"firstName": "Gunnar",
"emailAddress": "",
"surname": "Stewart",
"mobileNumber": "254765121298"
"browserDetails": {
"acceptHeader": "text\/html",
"screenColorDepth": "24",
"language": "en-US",
"screenHeight": "768",
"screenWidth": "1366",
"timezone": "-180",
"javaEnabled": "false",
"javascriptEnabled": "true",
"ipAddress": "",
"userAgent": "Firefox 105.0"
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
statusCode | integer | Response status code. | TRUE |
statusDescription | string | A description of the status provided above. | TRUE |
results | JSON array | Null when request fails. | |
results.redirectUrl | string | Url to redirect your client for payment authentication by your issuing bank | FALSE |
results.type | string | The type of response | FALSE |
"statusCode": 200,
"statusDescription": "Operation done successfully",
"results": {
"redirectUrl": "",
"type": "THREE_D_SECURE"
Card Status Codes
Status Code | Status Description |
200 | Transaction was successful |
201 | 3DS Authentication failed. Retry transaction with correct OTP |
203 | Rejected due to Address Verification System data mismatch (name, address, etc.). Retry with a different card or contact your bank to update address details |
204 | Transaction may or may not have been successful, but MUST be canceled to comply with sanctions and law enforcement. Retry with a different card |
205 | Transaction rejected due to CVV mismatch. Retry transaction with correct CVV |
209 | The card is expired. Retry with a different card |
210 | Transaction has been blocked due to fraud. Retry with a different card |
211 | Amount is too high, too low, does not match a previous authorisation or is otherwise invalid. Retry with a different amount |
212 | Card data (PAN, expiry date or CVV) are invalid. Retry with correct card details |
213 | PAN is invalid. Retry with correct card PAN |
214 | Transaction declined by acquirer. Retry with a different card |
215 | Rejected due to problems on the issuer side. Retry with a different card |
216 | Insufficient funds or withdrawal limit exceeded. Fund account or retry with a different card |
217 | Card reported as lost. Contact issuing bank or retry with a different card |
219 | Transaction not permitted to either issuer, cardholder, acquirer or merchant. Retry with a different card |
220 | Transaction was successful for only a partial amount, void transaction and try again |
222 | Rejected due to issues with cardholder PIN. Retry with correct card PIN or a different card |
223 | Transaction has been rejected, please contact your card issuer or retry with a different card |
224 | Transaction was processed, but has been flagged for manual review due to suspicion of fraud |
225 | Card has been reported as stolen. Contact issuing bank |
226 | Transaction timed out with unclear status; recommend to cancel and retry with a different card |
602 | Invalid payment token passed. Merchant to review and send correct token |
608 | 3DS Authentication failed, unable to redirect customer to card issuer page. Retry with a different card |
609 | Token not allowed for 3DS transaction |
610 | Unable to complete the payment. Please try again |
611 | Payment Declined. Your card is not 3DS Enabled. Contact your bank. |
617 | Duplicate reference number. Reinitiate transaction with a unique Merchant transaction ID |
629 | Transaction blocked due to suspected fraud. Contact card issuer for support |
631 | Missing card number. Please provide the card number |
632 | Missing card expiry field. Please provide the card expiry field |
633 | Missing card expiry month field. Please provide the card expiry month field |
634 | Missing card expiry year field. Please provide the card expiry year field |
642 | Customer email is required |
644 | Invalid card BIN format. Value should be numeric |
647 | Card BIN is required |
648 | Invalid card BIN length passed |
651 | Missing card number. Please provide card number for card tokenization requests |
655 | Incorrect card pin length. Card PIN must be four (4) digit(s) |
656 | Unsupported request type. Set isCvvLess flag to True |
660 | Invalid card length %s scheme. % card length should be % |
661 | Invalid card PAN. Retry with correct card PAN |
662 | Incorrect Expiry year length. Expiry year must be 2 digits |
663 | Incorrect Expiry month length. Expiry month must be 2 digits |
664 | Incorrect Expiry month. Expiry month must be value must be between 1 and 12 |
665 | Incorrect Expiry year. Expiry month must be value must be between 0 and 99 |
667 | Invalid CVV format. Card Verification Value must be a numeric value between 3 and 4 digits |
668 | BIN passed in card issuer information does not match card BIN |
671 | Card details is not required for delete token requests. Send only token |
672 | Missing token. Token is required delete token requests |
673 | Missing card pin. cardPin is required for VERVE Cards |
675 | Unsupported request type. Set tokenizeCard flag to false |
701 | Secure3D Authentication Pending. Prompt user for OTP for Verve Card |
1067 | We are unable to process your request at the moment. Please contact support via |
Updated 8 months ago