Query For agreement_id

This will show how the customer after charging a card using 3DS can query for the agreementID generated

POST  https://api-approval.tingg.africa/v3/checkout-api/query_token_details

Note the agreement_id is only available within an hour from when the transaction is generated where after the 1 hour the data is discarded from Tingg's platform.

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
service_codestringUnique code identifier for the merchant's service in use as provided on the checkout platform.
merchant_transaction_idstringUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as given by the merchant.


    "merchant_transaction_id": "{{merchant_transaction_id}}",
    "service_code": "{{service_code}}",

Response Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
statusJSONObjectContains status details
status.status_codestringFor success will always be 200 and 0 For failed
status. status_descriptionstringDescribe the success or failed status given above
resultsJSONObjectcontains the actual details to be returned
results.tokenstringreturns the actual token generated if you did a generate token with 3DS request
results.agreement_idstringThis will give back the agreementID generated by the acquirer for the transaction

Example of Successful Response

    "status": {
      "status_code": 200,
    	"status_description": "Successfully processed request!"
    "results": {
        "token": "9538573326597802",
        "agreement_id": "39267377884"

Example of Failed Responses

   "status": {
      "status_code": 404,
    	"status_description": "Token not available"
    "results": {
        "token": null,
        "agreement_id": null,
        "acquirer_code": null,
        "acquirer_message": null,
        "merchant_transaction_id": "TestLayout0068"
   "status": {
      "status_code": 0,
    	"status_description": "3DS Authentication Failed"
    "results": {
        "token": null,
        "agreement_id": null,
        "acquirer_code": "ERR_3DS",
        "acquirer_message": "3DS Authentication Failed",
        "merchant_transaction_id": "idwe_7430928"