Authorization with 3D Secure (3DS)

This option allows a merchant to charge a card without performing an actual redirect to checkout via the checkout express. You will pass the card details to charge the card and retrieve the issuer secure page.


Steps for authorization with 3DS:

  1. Initiate a Checkout Request
  2. Encrypt the payment card details.
  3. Formulate card charge request payload - 3DS parameter set to true.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer <Bearer_Token> generated during authenticate request in step 1.YES

Request Parameters

The card details will need to be encrypted and the encrypted string passed under the sourceOfFunds parameter in the final payload.

Parameters to be encrypted include the following:

Parameter NameTypeDescription
nameOnCardstringIt is the full name on the customer's card
numberintegerIt is the card’s primary account number (PAN)
cvvintegerIt is the card’s verification number. Normally a 3 digit value found at the back of your card
storedOnFileStringcan either be TO_BE_STORED or null. Where if you pass TO_BE_STORED you will be given back an agreement ID in your callback that can then be included in subsequent 2D charge requests.
monthintegerCard's expiry month (MM)
yearintegerCard's expiry year (YY)

Example payload

  "card": {
    "nameOnCard": "John Doe",
    "number": "5436031030606378",
    "cvv": "123",
    "expiry": {
      "month": "12",
    	"year": "23"

See the checkout encryption snippets on how to encrypt the payload using the public key Cipher Type: RSA/ECB/Padding.

Sample Encryption Output


The parameters to will be passed in the request payload:

Parameter NameTypeDescription
serviceCodestringUnique code identifier for the merchant's service in use as provided on the checkout platform.
merchantTransactionIDstringUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as given by the merchant.
payerModeIDintegerThis is a number representing the payment option client and the mode in use e.g. using a mobile money client paying via STK push. This will be provided as part of the payment options
languageCodestring2 letter code for the language used for the transaction.
countryCodestringThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country you wish to collect payment for.
True to charge the card with 3DS
isCvvLessstring[OPTIONAL] parameter to be included if you would like to specify whether or not you would like to charge with cvv.
Default value is "false"
Set value to "true" to charge without CVV (CVV-less)
checkoutRequestIDintegerA unique transaction ID identifying the transaction logged in the checkout platform.
sourceOfFundsstringEncrypted card details
orderJSON arrayOrder details as described below.
billingDetailsJSON arrayBilling details as described below.
browserDetailsJSON arrayBrowser details as described in the Browser details references..

The order array consists of the following parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
accountNumberstringUnique reference of the order.
chargeAmountdoubleAmount to be charged on the card.
currencyCodestringCurrency of the amount being transacted / charged.
requestDescriptionstringDescription of the transaction.

The billingDetails array consists of the following parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
addressJSON object-
citystringBilling address City
countryCodestringBilling address country
customerJSON object-
firstNamestringCustomer first name
surnamestringCustomer last name
emailAddressstringcustomer email address
mobileNumberstringcustomer mobile number


    "merchantTransactionID": "{{merchantTransactionID}}",
    "checkoutRequestID": "{{checkoutRequestID}}",
    "PayerModeID": "{{PayerModeID}}",
    "languageCode": "en",
  	"isCvvLess": "true", //OPTIONAL - Default false
    "countryCode": "NG",
    "3ds" : "true",
    "serviceCode": "{{service_code}}",
    "order": {
        "accountNumber": "ASDF7E",
        "chargeAmount": "1000.00",
        "currencyCode": "KES",
        "requestDescription": "Order XX Purchase"
    "sourceOfFunds": "eUxtRVNSYmpDbG8wMWZBYXhLU3dWdk9MZ0hnUm9WaGtXTGdMenFDMnBFYU1BR08yTE5hUkdUY0J1MCtRMjZ1Y1NpaDN2ZmthYThvaHR5NElKUEtHbytPdEZjcC9jcjJqSGl2cGd0Tm5MaVVGcjFmeFpoVHdNdWxSc2dHczRYWTdUM2w1Mzhvd2cyWXM4ekZzbnlrOVV3PT0==",
    "billingDetails": {
        "address": {
            "city": "Nairobi",
            "countryCode": "NG"
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "Gunnar",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "surname": "Stewart",
            "mobileNumber": "254765121298"
    "browserDetails": {
        "acceptHeader": "text\/html",
        "screenColorDepth": "24",
        "language": "en-US",
        "screenHeight": "768",
        "screenWidth": "1366",
        "timezone": "-180",
        "javaEnabled": "false",
        "javascriptEnabled": "true",
        "ipAddress": "",
        "userAgent": "Firefox 105.0"

Response Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionMandatory
statusCodeintegerResponse status code. See full status codes details below.TRUE
statusDescriptionstringA description of the status provided above.TRUE
resultsJSON arrayNull when request fails
results.redirectUrlstringUrl to redirect your client for payment authentication by your issuing bankFALSE
results.typestringThe type of responseFALSE


Successful Response

    "statusCode": 200,
    "statusDescription": "Operation done successfully",
    "results": {
        "type": "THREE_D_SECURE"

Failure Response

    "statusCode": 201,
    "statusDescription": "3DS Authentication failed. Retry transaction with correct OTP",
  	"result": null

Card Status Codes

Status CodeStatus Description
200Transaction was successful
2013DS Authentication failed. Retry transaction with correct OTP
203Rejected due to Address Verification System data mismatch (name, address, etc.). Retry with a different card or contact your bank to update address details
204Transaction may or may not have been successful, but MUST be canceled to comply with sanctions and law enforcement. Retry with a different card
205Transaction rejected due to CVV mismatch. Retry transaction with correct CVV
209The card is expired. Retry with a different card
210Transaction has been blocked due to fraud. Retry with a different card
211Amount is too high, too low, does not match a previous authorisation or is otherwise invalid. Retry with a different amount
212Card data (PAN, expiry date or CVV) are invalid. Retry with correct card details
213PAN is invalid. Retry with correct card PAN
214Transaction declined by acquirer. Retry with a different card
215Rejected due to problems on the issuer side. Retry with a different card
216Insufficient funds or withdrawal limit exceeded. Fund account or retry with a different card
217Card reported as lost. Contact issuing bank or retry with a different card
219Transaction not permitted to either issuer, cardholder, acquirer or merchant. Retry with a different card
220Transaction was successful for only a partial amount, void transaction and try again
222Rejected due to issues with cardholder PIN. Retry with correct card PIN or a different card
223Transaction has been rejected, please contact your card issuer or retry with a different card
224Transaction was processed, but has been flagged for manual review due to suspicion of fraud
225Card has been reported as stolen. Contact issuing bank
226Transaction timed out with unclear status; recommend to cancel and retry with a different card
602Invalid payment token passed. Merchant to review and send correct token
6083DS Authentication failed, unable to redirect customer to card issuer page. Retry with a different card
609Token not allowed for 3DS transaction
610Unable to complete the payment. Please try again
611Payment Declined. Your card is not 3DS Enabled. Contact your bank.
617Duplicate reference number. Reinitiate transaction with a unique Merchant transaction ID
629Transaction blocked due to suspected fraud. Contact card issuer for support
631Missing card number. Please provide the card number
632Missing card expiry field. Please provide the card expiry field
633Missing card expiry month field. Please provide the card expiry month field
634Missing card expiry year field. Please provide the card expiry year field
642Customer email is required
644Invalid card BIN format. Value should be numeric
647Card BIN is required
648Invalid card BIN length passed
651Missing card number. Please provide card number for card tokenization requests
655Incorrect card pin length. Card PIN must be four (4) digit(s)
656Unsupported request type. Set isCvvLess flag to True
660Invalid card length %s scheme. % card length should be %
661Invalid card PAN. Retry with correct card PAN
662Incorrect Expiry year length. Expiry year must be 2 digits
663Incorrect Expiry month length. Expiry month must be 2 digits
664Incorrect Expiry month. Expiry month must be value must be between 1 and 12
665Incorrect Expiry year. Expiry month must be value must be between 0 and 99
667Invalid CVV format. Card Verification Value must be a numeric value between 3 and 4 digits
668BIN passed in card issuer information does not match card BIN
671Card details is not required for delete token requests. Send only token
672Missing token. Token is required delete token requests
673Missing card pin. cardPin is required for VERVE Cards
675Unsupported request type. Set tokenizeCard flag to false
701Secure3D Authentication Pending. Prompt user for OTP for Verve Card
1067We are unable to process your request at the moment. Please contact support via [email protected]