
Delete Token

Delete a previously generated token

POST https://developer.tingg.africa/checkout/v2/custom/requests/delete-token

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer <Bearer_Token> generated during authenticate request in step 1.YES

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
merchantTransactionIDstringUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as given by the merchant
countryCodestringCountry code for where the request will be processed
billingDetailsJSON arrayBilling Details
billingDetails.customer.emailAddressstringCustomer email address that is tied to the card token generated
serviceCodestringUnique assigned code from your sandbox or shared with you.
sourceOfFunds.tokenstringTokenized card details

    "merchantTransactionID": “twbhbw673782”,
    "billingDetails": {
        "customer": {
            "emailAddress": "jeomoi7@gmail.com"
    "serviceCode": "STLDEV7509",
    "sourceOfFunds": {
      "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Response Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
statusCodeintegerThe response status code.
statusDescriptionstringExact description of the status.
    "status": {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "statusDescription": "Operation done successfully"