Frequently Asked Questions
What is an escalated Transaction ?
This a transaction whose final status is not known.
It bares statusCode 219 and should be regarded as a pending transaction until reconciliation is done with the respective service vendor.
Status Codes 216 (failed) and 217 (success) are propagated after an escalated transaction has been manual/auto-reconciled within 24 hours.
What is a callback URL?
This is an IPN listener page/web service that a Merchant publishes to receive an IPN request via the internet/private network with the final transaction status from Tingg Remit API.
How do I configure the callback URL?
To configure your callback URL on the request Beep.postPayment payload, pass the endpoint as an escaped JSON string on the extraData parameter as follows.
How do I pre-fund/ top up Float?
We have two options :
- Prefund Centrally: This option allows you to transfer funds to Cellulant Wallet that sits in KE in USD.
- Funding Locally: This applies to merchants/ aggregators who consume float in more than one market i.e. KE, GH, NG, and CI.
Transfer of funds is made to the Cellulant Accounts in the respective market currency.
How to check your IP address
Visit: Check your IP address
Difference between MSISDN and Account Number
MSISDN - The mobile number of the customer performing the payment while the accountNumber is an account which payment is being made for or the recipient of the payment .
For Payouts, the source of funds will be a B2C Float account which is configured on our payment Gateway. Therefore, the MSISDN and account number can be similar.
Updated over 1 year ago