5. Implement Callback URL

Implement webhook for successful payment notifications

When a full payment is made a JSON request is sent to the merchant’s paymentWebhookURL.

We do a POST request when sending the payment details to the merchant's callback URL.


When is a Webhook sent to Merchant?

Webhook is only sent when the customer has made full payment for the request raised

Webhook Request

Parameter NameTypeDescription
checkoutRequestIDintegerUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as provided by the checkout platform.
merchantRequestIDstringUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as given by the merchant.
requestStatusCodeintegerRequest status after the customer makes the payment.

99 - A failed payment has been received for this request. Request is still open to receive payments.

129 - Request has expired with no partial payment received.

176 - Partial payment made for the request and has been marked as closed. Available for merchants who accept partial payments for their request.

178 - Full payment made for the request.

179 - Request has expired with one or more partial payments made. The partial payment(s) will be reversed.

186 - This is indicates that the partial refund for the request was successfully processed.

187 - This is indicates that the full refund for the request was successfully processed.

191 - This indicates a failed refund.
requestStatusDescriptionstringRequest status description.
MSISDNstringCustomer mobile number.
serviceCodestringIdentifier for the service that request has be raised to.
accountNumberstringReference for the item being paid for eg: Pay TV account number or Airline ticket number.
currencyCodestringThe three character currency code (ISO 4217) used for the payment.
amountPaiddoubleAmount received from customer.
requestCurrencyCodestringA three character currency code (ISO 4217) that the transaction was converted to for collection.
requestAmountintegerAmount of the transaction request after conversion.
requestDatestringDate and time payment was logged into the Cellulant Payment Gateway.
paymentsJSON ArrayList of individual payments made for the checkout request.
serviceChargeAmountintegerExtra charge set if available for the service.
originalRequestAmountdoubleThe original amount that was passed on the request to checkout.
originalRequestCurrencyCodestringOriginal currency code provided on the request to checkout
failedPaymentsJSON ArrayAn array of failed payment attempts by the customer. Available only if service is enabled to receive failed notifications. Contact Cellulant to activate this option.

Payments array for both failed and successful payments array.

Parameter NameTypeDescription
payerClientCodestringA unique identifying code of the payment option that will be used to initiate the request or was used to complete the payment. E.g. 'MPESA' for Mpesa payment option.
payerClientNamestringIdentifier of the option that was used to make the payment e.g. Mpesa.
payerTransactionIDstringA unique identifier of the payment as logged on the payment channel's platform. This may be logged by the merchant for easier transaction tracking and support for customers.
currencyCodestringThe three character currency code (ISO 4217) used for the payment.
amountPaidstringThe amount received from the payment channel the customer paid from.
customerNamestringThe name of the customer who made the payment. Available for payment options where the customer names are provided.
hubOverallStatusstringInternal Cellulant processing status for the payment.
MSISDNstringThe mobile number that the payment originated from.
serviceCodestringIdentifier for the service that request has be raised to.
cpgTransactionIDstringA unique identifier to identify the payment on the Cellulant's payment Gateway.
accountNumberstringReference for the item being paid for eg: Pay TV account number or Airline ticket number.
datePaymentReceivedstringThe date in which the payment was logged onto the cellulant payment gateway.
payerNarrationstringThis is the MNO or bank payment narration shared to Cellulant.
  "serviceCode": "TESTSERVICE",
  "MSISDN": "254713123888",
  "originalRequestCurrencyCode": "KES",
  "originalRequestAmount": 200,
  "checkoutRequestID": 4826296,
  "requestCurrencyCode": "KES",
  "requestAmount": "200.00",
  "accountNumber": "3201HR00",
  "requestStatusCode": 178,
  "requestStatusDescription": "Request fully paid",
  "merchantTransactionID": "r77az121236884",
  "requestDate": "2018-08-28 12:12:38.0",
  "currencyCode": "KES",
  "amountPaid": 200,
  "serviceChargeAmount": 0,
  "payments": [
      "MSISDN": 254713123888,
      "payerClientName": "Safaricom Kenya Limited",
      "currencyCode": "KES",
      "amountPaid": 200,
      "cpgTransactionID": "288852770",
      "serviceCode": "TESTSERVICE",
      "payerTransactionID": "OHS01A3K",
      "hubOverallStatus": 139,
      "accountNumber": "3201HR00",
      "customerName": "Customer",
      "payerClientCode": "SAFKE",
      "datePaymentReceived": "2018-08-28 12:13:33.0"
  "failedPayments": []

Expected Webhook Response

The merchant is expected to send back a response with the following parameters:

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequired
checkoutRequestIDintegerUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as provided by the checkout platform.TRUE
merchantTransactionIDstringUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as given by the merchant.FALSE
statusCodeintegerA status indicating the result of payment processing.

180 - The payment was rejected by the merchant. Only accepted if the notification was for a full request.

183 - The payment was accepted by the merchant. Only accepted if the notification was for a full request.

188 - The payment/request was received. Acknowledgement will be initiated later if the notification was for a fully paid request. See Acknowledge Payment on custom API for details.

For a failed payment notification, no further action will be taken.

189 - There was an error in processing the payments/request on the merchant's platform. The request should be re-sent for processing.
statusDescriptionstring A description of the status provided aboveTRUE
receiptNumberstringA transaction ID indicating the receipt of the payments.TRUE


Payment processed successfully

  "checkoutRequestID": 4826296,
  "merchantTransactionID": "abcd-efg-hijklm",
  "statusCode": "183",
  "statusDescription": "Payment processed successfully",
  "receiptNumber": "r77az121236884"

Payment processing failed

  "checkoutRequestID": 4826296,
  "merchantTransactionID": "abcd-efg-hijklm",
  "statusCode": "180",
  "statusDescription": "Payment was not processed successfully",
  "receiptNumber": ""