Initiate Refund

Allows a merchant to refund payments that were already acknowledged and processed successsfully.


This request is used by merchants to initiate a refund request for a transactions that was initially accepted and a product or service was fulfilled.

This can only be used after the merchant has acknowledged the payments as accepted for a transaction in 2 ways:

  1. Invoking the POST acknowledge endpoint.
  2. Returning the acknowledgment status on the webhook callback response.

The initiate refunds request achieves the following:

  1. Validates that a refund can be initiated to the customer based on the amount to refund, the payment channels that were used to make the payment and the details provided to make the refund.
  2. Log the refund request and forward it for processing. A response will immediately be provided as to whether the validation and logging of the request was successful.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer <Bearer_Token> generated during authenticate request in step 1.YES

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequired
checkoutRequestIDintegerUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as provided by the Tingg checkout platform.TRUE
merchantTransactionIDstringUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as given by the merchant.TRUE
refundTypestringA flag indicating the type of refund to be done; can either be full​or partial.TRUE
refundAmountdoubleThe amount to be refunded. This value is optional if the refundType​ is full.FALSE
currencyCodestringA three letter ISO Code for currency the refund amount currency. If not provided, the original request currency will be used.TRUE
narrationstringA reason for the refund.FALSE
extraDetailsstringA JSON string to provide extra details about the refund e.g. customer bank details for some channels.FALSE


Full Refund

    "refundType":"full" ,

Partial Refund

    "refundType":"partial" ,
    "narration":"Partial refund for undelivered service",

Response Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
statusCodeintegerA status indicating the result of payment processing.
184 - Partial reversal initiated.
185 - Full reversal initiated.
186 - Partial reversal complete.
187 - Full reversal complete
200 - Refund initiated successfully.
294 - Payment pending partial reversal.
297 - Payment pending full reversal.
500 - Generic failure occurred. Could be as a result of a system failure on the Tingg checkout platform.
1001 - No payment available for refund processing
1013 - The checkout request posted was not valid JSON.
1014 - Missing merchantTransactionID.
1015 - Missing checkoutRequestID.
1040 - invalid refundType.
1041 - Invalid refundAmount
statusDescriptionstringA description of the status provided above.
checkoutRequestIDin 1013tegerUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as provided by the Tingg checkout platform.
merchantTransactionIDstringUnique transaction ID identifying the transaction as given by the merchant.
requestStatusCodeintegerStatus of the payment received
paymentsJSON ArrayAn array of the payments made.

The payments array holds a list of payments that have been made for the current request.

Parameter NameTypeDescription
paymentIDintegerUnique payment reference on the Cellulant Payment Gateway
payerTransactionIDstringUnique payment reference provided by the payment option ie MPESA reference
MSISDNstringMobile number used to complete the payment
accountNumberstringReference presented to complete a payment
customerNamestringCustomer names. NB: Provided only when available
amountPaiddoubleAmount paid / authorized by the customer
payerClientCodestringUnique code of the payment option on the Tingg checkout platform
clientNamestringMerchants name on the Tingg checkout platform
paymentDatestringDate when the payment was completed by the customer
currencyCodestringCurrency code which the customer was charged in by the payment option
refundAmountintegerThe total amount that the customer is going to pay.

Successful Response

    "status": {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "statusDescription": "Refund initiated successfully"
    "results": {
        "checkoutRequestID": "716003",
        "merchantTransactionID": "unique_transaction_id07",
        "refundAmount": 100,
        "refundCurrency": "KES",
        "payments": [
                "payerTransactionID": null,
                "MSISDN": null,
                "accountNumber": null,
                "customerName": null,
                "amountPaid": null,
                "payerClientCode": null,
                "paymentDate": null,
                "clientName": null,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "paymentID": null,
                "refundAmount": null

Failure Response

    "status": {
        "statusCode": 1001,
        "statusDescription": "No payment available for refund"
    "results": null

Authentication Failure Response

    "message": "Unauthenticated.",
    "status_code": 500