Custom Checkout

This portion explains the process of incorporating the custom API into the merchant platform to offer a personalized payment experience.

This gives businesses access to our APIs so they can design a payment experience for alternative payment methods (any payment method other than a card) that fits their brand identity, user experience objectives, and particular business needs.

Businesses can leverage this to create a seamless user experience consistent with their brand.

Custom Checkout Sequence Diagram

Custom Checkout Sequence Diagram

Pre-requisites - Requirements to get started

Configure servicesAfter successful registration, every business gets a default service
Configure payments optionsChannels from payment providers through which customers are able to pay
Get your API KeysAPI keys are what uniquely identify your services when integrating with the checkout platform


Authentication Keys Required are: clientID and clientSecret

Integration Steps:

Authenticate RequestThis function is used to retrieve an authentication token for all the requests done via the checkout API
Initiate Checkout RequestThis function serves as a trigger to begin the checkout process once the customer has supplied the necessary information about the desired product or service. Its purpose is to enable the customer to proceed with the payment transaction.
Initiate Charge RequestThis function is used by merchants to post a charge request i.e. request to debit an amount from the customer for the checkout request that was posted earlier in the request/initiate function.
Query Request StatusThis function is used by the merchant if they want to query the status of the request they raised
Acknowledge PaymentThis is when the merchant wants to acknowledge the request with a final status or a delivered status. This is sent as a JSON POST request.
Initiate RefundThis function allows a merchant to refund payments that were already acknowledged as received and processed successfully

Try the checkout API

The checkout API is very flexible in nature which allows you to implement your unique business process through a set of REST API calls. These are best tested with HTTP clients like Postman.