Query Request Status
Used by merchants to check for the status of a checkout request that was posted earlier. The checkout request could be in several states e.g. paid, unpaid or expired.
POST https://developer.tingg.africa/checkout/v2/custom/requests/query-status
This function is a subset of the callback functionality, where a payment is sent to the merchants callback, and can be used to prematurely query for the status i.e. check for request status before the full payment is done.
Header Parameters
Header | Value | Required |
Authorization | Bearer <Bearer_Token> generated during authenticate request in step 1. | YES |
Content-Type | application/json | YES |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Required |
merchantTransactionID | string | The unique transaction ID from the merchant's system identifying the request that was previously initiated on the post checkout request step. | TRUE |
serviceCode | string | Merchant's service code. This can be found here. | TRUE |
checkoutRequestID | string | A unique transaction ID identifying the transaction logged in the checkout platform | FALSE |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | integer | A status indicating the result of payment processing. 200 - Request processed successfully. 500 - Generic failure occurred. Could be as a result of a system failure on the Tingg checkout platform. 1001 - No checkout request found matching the details. 1013 - The checkout request posted was not valid JSON. 1014 - Missing merchantTransactionID .1015 - Missing checkoutRequestID . |
statusDescription | string | A description of the status provided above. |
checkoutRequestID | in 1013teger | Unique transaction ID identifying the transaction as provided by the Tingg checkout platform. |
merchantTransactionID | string | Unique transaction ID identifying the transaction as given by the merchant. |
requestStatusCode | integer | Status of the payment received. 99 - A failed payment has been received for this request. Request is still open to receive payments. 129 - Request has expired with no partial payment received. 130 - New request raised by the merchant. 176 - Partial payment made for the request and has been marked as closed. Available for merchants who accept partial payments for their request 177 - partially paid requests pending customer to complete payment 178 - Full payment made for the request. 179 - Request has expired with one or more partial payments made. The partial payment(s) will be reversed. 180 - Request Fully paid for but acknowledged as rejected by the merchant. 183 - Request fully paid for but acknowledged as accepted by the merchant. 184 - This is indicates that a refund of part of the request amount has been initiated. 185 - This is indicates that full refund the request amount has been initiated. 186 - This is indicates that the part refund for the request was successfully processed. 187 - This is indicates that the full refund for the request was successfully processed. 188 - The payment was received by the merchant. An accept/reject call will be initiated later by merchant. |
MSISDN | integer | The mobile number that the checkout request was originally initiated with. |
serviceCode | string | A unique code identifier for the merchant's service in use as provided on the checkout platform. |
serviceName | string | Service name offered by the merchant |
accountNumber | string | An identifier for the account being paid for as posted in the checkout request step. |
amountPaid | integer | This is the total amount paid for at the time of fetching the checkout request status. More details of the payments can be found in the payments array as will be provided below. |
requestAmount | double | The amount that the merchant needed to charge the customer for items selected on their platform |
paymentCurrencyCode | string | The currency code used in the transaction. |
requestCurrencyCode | string | The currency code used in the transaction request. |
requestDate | string | The date in which the checkout request was logged onto the checkout platform. |
session | string | Session value provided for multiple payment session. Unique per merchant implementations |
redirectURL | string | Redirect URL provided for a specific payment session. Unique per merchant implementations |
redirectTrigger | string | This indicates the trigger that necessitated a redirect to the pending or failed redirect URL. The triggers can either be: TIME - This indicate the time limit for the session has reached. USER - Customer clicked the “Back to merchant” button to be taken to customer page |
shortUrl | string | A short URL that redirects to the express checkout that may be used to retrieve the request. |
payments | JSON array | A list of individual payments made for the checkout request. Details of what is contained in a payment payload are given below |
failedPayments | JSON array | A list of individual payments that may have been attempted for the checkout request but failed |
rejectedPayments | JSON array | A list of individual payments that may have been attempted for the checkout request but were rejected |
paymentInstructions | string | Instructions to provide to the customer on how to make a payment |
offline | boolean | An indication on whether or not transaction can be paid offline. |
customerNationalID | string | National ID for the customer |
customerPassportNumber | string | Passport number for the customer |
The payments/failedPayments/rejectedPayments array holds a list of payments that have been made for the current request.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
payerClientCode | string | Unique code of the payment option on the Tingg checkout platform |
payerTransactionID | string | Unique payment reference provided by the payment option ie MPESA reference |
amountPaid | double | Amount paid / authorized by the customer |
clientName | string | Name of the originating payer client. |
MSISDN | string | Mobile number used to complete the payment |
cpgTransactionID | integer | Unique transaction id on the Cellulant Payment Gateway |
currencyCode | string | Currency code which the customer was charged in by the payment option |
paymentDate | string | The date in which the payment was logged onto the Cellulant payment gateway. |
clientCategoryID | integer | The category ID of the payment originating clients. |
clientCategoryName | string | The category name of the payment originating clients. |
extraData | string | Contains extra parameters based on the type of payment made. |
Successful Response
"status": {
"statusCode": 200,
"statusDescription": "Successfully processed request"
"results": {
"checkoutRequestID": 406287,
"merchantTransactionID": "MTX4148655",
"MSISDN": 25470000000,
"accountNumber": "acc_4148655",
"requestDate": "2020-08-20 09:08:31",
"requestStatusCode": 183,
"serviceName": "Test Servuce",
"serviceCode": "Test Service",
"requestCurrencyCode": "KES",
"requestAmount": 6618,
"paymentCurrencyCode": "KES",
"amountPaid": 6618,
"session": "",
"redirectURL": "",
"shortUrl": "",
"redirectTrigger": "",
"payments": [
"payerTransactionID": "dev-test-1597903771",
"MSISDN": 254726806777,
"accountNumber": "acc_4148655",
"customerName": "Customer",
"amountPaid": 6618,
"payerClientCode": "BOA-K",
"cpgTransactionID": "10763559",
"paymentDate": "2020-08-20 09:09:43",
"clientName": "Bank of Africa - Kenya",
"clientDisplayName": "Bank of Africa",
"currencyCode": "KES",
"currencyID": 70,
"paymentID": 2526723,
"hubOverallStatus": 139,
"clientCategoryID": 3,
"clientCategoryName": "Banks",
"payerNarration": null
"failedPayments": [],
"rejectedPayments": [],
"paymentInstructions": "",
"offline": true,
"customerNationalID": "",
"customerPassportNumber": ""
Failure Response
"status": {
"statusCode": 1014,
"statusDescription": "The merchant transaction i d field is required."
"results": null
Authentication Failure Response
"message": "Unauthenticated.",
"status_code": 500
Updated about 1 year ago