
Allows a merchant to request to debit amount from customer for the charge request that was posted earlier in the initiate charge request/ initiate checkout&charge request function.

Validate charge requires a voucher code that is generated from the payment channel to authorize a debit on the customer’s wallet.

The validate charge request does the following:

  1. Retrieves the charge request posted and attaches the validation token to it.
  2. Posts the validation request with the validation token to the payment channel to authorize the charge request made earlier.

See the different payment option code here for Orange Ivory coast, Orange Burkina Faso and Orange Senegal.


Live Endpoint


KeyValue TypeRequiredDescription
checkout_request_idlongYesA unique transaction ID identifying the transaction logged in the checkout platform.
charge_request_idlongYesThe identifier for the charge request posted.
merchant_transaction_idStringYesThe unique transaction ID from the merchant's system identifying the request that was previously initiated on the post checkout request leg.
validation_tokenStringYesA string generated by the payment channel that will be used to authorize debits on the customer’s account.

Response Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
500Failure. Generic failure occurred. Could be as a result of a system failure on the checkout platform.
1001No request found.
1013Not JSON. The checkout request posted was not valid JSON
1014Missing merchant transaction id. The request did not have a merchant_transaction_id
422Invalid request
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!