
This is when the merchant wants to acknowledge the request with a final status or a delivered status. This is sent as a JSON POST request.


Live Endpoint


KeyValue TypeRequiredDescription
acknowledgement_amountDoubleYesAmount to be acknowledged. Compulsory if type is PARTIAL
acknowledgement_typeStringYesFull or Partial
acknowledgement_narrationStringYesNarration of acknowledgement initiated by a merchant.
acknowledgment_referenceStringYesUnique identifier for acknowledgement initiated by customer.
merchant_transaction_idStringYesUnique identifier from the merchant.
service_codeStringYesThe service code assigned to the merchant on the tingg portal
status_codeintYesThe status code indicating status of the transaction on the merchant’s end
currency_codeStringYes3 letter ISO currency code.

Response Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
200Success. Checkout request successfully logged in the checkout platform.
500Failure. Generic failure occurred. Could be as a result of a system failure on the checkout platform.
1001No request found.
1007Missing country code. The checkout request posted was missing a country_code
1013Not JSON. The checkout request posted was not valid JSON
1014Missing merchant transaction id. The request did not have a merchant_transaction_id
1015Missing checkout request id.The request did not have a checkout_request_id
1017Invalid charge msisdn provided. The charge_msisdn provided was not valid in the country provided
1027Invalid amount provided. The charge_amount should be between the minimum and maximum amounts provided for the payment option.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!