Fetch Request Details Using DateTime and AccountNumber

This function is used by merchants to fetch multiple payments based on time and specific virtual account Number generated for the merchant.

This will allow merchants to fetch a list of payments paid in a particular period.



AuthorizationBearer <Bearer_Token> Generated during the authenticate requestYes
apikeyapp consumer keyYes


Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequired
service_codestringA unique code identifier for the merchant's service in use as provided on the checkout platform.Yes
from_datestringStart date when you want to query for a transaction. Date format (YYYY-DD-MM H:I:S) in UTC time.Yes
to_datestringEnd date when you want to query for a transaction. Date format (YYYY-DD-MM H:I:S) in UTC time.Yes
account_numberstringVirtual account in case of static account or merchant accountNumber you can use to query successful payments or unprocessed payments.No
statusstringIndicating status of which type of transactions you need to pull for i.e all – pull both successful, expired and pending. pending - pull only transactions that have been paid but not processed.No

Request Body

  "service_code": "SOLANKIFIRM",
  "from_date": "2022-02-15 14:35:43",
  "to_date": "2022-02-16 10:47:16",
  "account_number": "101",
  "status": "all"


Parameter NameTypeDescription
statusJSONObjectContains status code and description.
status_codeintegerThe response status code.
status_descriptionstringExact description of the status.
resultsarrayNull when request fails
checkout_request_idintegerThe unique request identifying the transaction logged in the checkout platform.
merchant_transaction_idstringThe unique transaction ID from merchant's system identifying the request.
request_status_codeintegerA code identifying the status of the request i.e paid, unpaid expired etc. A list of available status codes will be provided below.
request_status_descriptionstringA description of the requestStatusCode providing more information about the status.
currency_codestringThe currency code used in the transaction.
request_amountdoubleThe amount that the merchant needed to charge the customer for items selected on their platform.
amount_paiddoubleThis is the total amount paid for at the time of fetching the checkout request status. More details of the payments can be found in the payments array as will be provided below.
account_numberstringAn identifier for the account being paid for as posted in the checkout initiation leg.
msisdnstringThe mobile number that the checkout request was originally initiated with.

The payments parameter holds a list of payments that have been made for the current request.

Parameter NameTypeDescription
msisdnstringThe mobile number that the payment originated from.
payment_idintegerThe unique payment request identifying the transaction logged in the checkout platform.
checkout_request_idintegerThe unique request identifying the transaction logged in the checkout platform.
cpg_transaction_idstringA unique identifier to identify the payment on the Cellulant's payment Gateway
payer_transaction_idstringA unique identifier of the payment as logged on the payment channel's platform. This may be logged by the merchant for easier transaction tracking and support for customers.
account_numberstringAn identifier for the account being paid for as posted in the checkout initiation leg.
customer_namestringName of the payer originating customer.
amount_paiddoubleA numerical value of the payment amount i.e. the amount received from the payment channel the customer paid from
merchant_receiptstringUnique identifier of the acknowledgement response given back.
payer_narrationstringDescription of payment provided by the payment option.
receiver_narrationstringDescription of payment provided by merchant on acknowledgment.
hub_overall_statusintegerPayment status on the Cellulant Payment Gateway.
status_code_descstringDescription of the hubOverallStatus.
payer_client_codestringUnique code of the payment option on the Tingg checkout platform.
payer_client_namestringThe name provided for the payment option on the Tingg checkout platform.
owner_client_codestringUnique merchant code on the Tingg checkout platform.
owner_client_namestringMerchants name on the Tingg checkout platform.
merchant_transaction_idstringUnique identifier from the merchant concerning the request raised to Cellulant.
converted_amountdoubleCurrent amount of the converted currency the payment should be made for.
total_payable_amountdoubleAmount the customer can actually pay for the request.
date_payment_receivedstringThe date in which the payment was logged onto the cellulant payment gateway.
date_payment_acknowledgeddateDate when the payment was acknowledged.
date_createddateDate when the payment was initiated.
currency_codestringA three characters currency code (ISO 4217) that the payment originated.
country_codestringA three characters country code (ISO KEN) that the payment originated.

Processing Status Codes

Status CodeStatus Description
200Success. Checkout request status fetched successfully from the checkout platform.
500Failure. Generic failure occurred. Could be as a result of a system failure on the checkout platform.
1001No request found.
1007Missing country code. The checkout request posted was missing a country_code.
1013Not JSON. The checkout request posted was not valid JSON.
1014Missing merchant transaction ID. The request did not have a merchant_transaction_id
1015Missing checkout request ID.The request did not have a checkout_request_id

Request Status Codes

Status CodeStatus Description
129Expired request. The checkout request expired with no payment made to it at the point of expiry. No further payments will be accepted for this request.
130New request. The checkout request has not been paid for and has not yet expired.
133The request with no partial payments was cancelled by the merchant without payments received on it.
177Partially paid request. A payment made for request but the payment amount is less than the originally requested amount
178Fully paid request. A payment made for request and the payment amount is equal or more than the originally requested amount.
179Expired partially paid request. A payment made for request but the payment amount is less than the originally requested amount and the request has expired.
180Payment(s) for the checkout request has been acknowledged and rejected by the merchant.
181The request with partial payments was cancelled by the merchant without payments received on it.
183Payment(s) for the checkout request has been acknowledged and accepted by the merchant.
184A partial refund has been initiated for the checkout request.
185A full reversal has been initiated for the checkout request
186The partial refund initiated for the checkout request has been completed.
187The full reversal initiated for the checkout request has been completed.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!