This option allows charging a card without subjecting the card to 3DS authorization.
HTTP accept header sent from the cardholder's browserNon- 3DS cards allow for non-payment authentication that allows the protocol to be used in more than just traditional browser-based payments.
This API will be available by approval only on production.
Steps for card charge acceptance:
- Initiate a checkout request
- Formulate card charge request- 3ds parameter is set to false
- Encrypt the payment card details under sourceOfFunds parameter
Live Endpoint
Header | Value | Required |
Authorization | Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN> Generated during the Authenticate Request. | Yes |
Content-Type | application/json | Yes |
apikey | Yes |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Required |
service_code | String | Unique assigned code from your sandbox or shared with you | Yes |
country_code | String | Country code for where the request will be processed | Yes |
3ds | String | Value should be true/false for 3ds and 2ds | Yes |
is_cvv_less | String | Value should be true/false | No |
billing_details.address.country_code | String | Country code for billing detail address | Yes | | String | City name for billing detail address | Yes |
billing_details.customer.first_name | String | Customer first name for billing detail address | Yes |
billing_details.address.street | String | Where the person lives | No |
billing_details.address.state | String | The area where the person lives | No |
billing_details.customer.email_address | String | Customer email for billing detail address | Yes |
billing_details.customer.surname | String | Customer surname for billing detail address | Yes |
billing_details.customer.mobile_number | String | Customer mobile number for billing detail address | Yes |
merchant_transaction_id | String | Unique transaction id identifying the transaction as given by the merchant | Yes |
payment_option_code | String | Value representing the payment option for the card charge | Yes |
source_Of_funds.card | String | Value representing for card detail in encrypted form | Yes |
source_Of_funds.card.nameOnCard | String | It is the full name on the customer's card | Yes |
source_Of_funds.card.number | Integer | It is the card’s primary account number (PAN | Yes |
source_Of_funds.card.cvv | Integer | It is the card’s verification number. Normally a 3 digit value found at the back of your card | Yes |
source_Of_funds.card.expiry.month source_Of_funds.card.expiry.year | Integer | Is the card’s expiry date. In moth and Year (MM/YY) | Yes |
locale | String | Language code | Yes |
order.account_number | String | Account number for order | Yes |
order.amount | String | Amount of order | Yes |
order.currency_code | String | Currency code of order | Yes |
order.description | String | Description of order | Yes |
extra_data.checkout_request_id | String | Id of created checkout request | Yes |
Request Body
"service_code" : "{{service_code}}",
"country_code": "KEN",
"billing_details": {
"address": {
"country_code": "KEN",
"city": "Kenya"
"customer": {
"first_name": "Gunnar",
"email_address": "[email protected]",
"surname": "Stewart",
"mobile_number": "254791498482"
"merchant_transaction_id": "MT546871010179",
"payment_option_code": "ECO_CARD",
"source_Of_funds": "S3hWM1RFcS9pV0xRZXRKWlNhQ3dYMnE4bkI4dE1udnNrTnlMYXZDVnY4R0x1c2x3RGlhMmVpMnBLOHlkSXdYc1RGV3l1SEpqSEtOTjNlVlNyL05MODhlUlViTXJHTTVSeDF0R0U5c2hPS290N2hLK09tSUlVWklWNC9nRlNBVTlISGwreDBkdVIzdXRRY2dxdEFvYlBzTWdsVkYzOGNpNkJuYkwrUFlYSis0PQ==",
"locale": "en",
"order": {
"account_number": "31318461285",
"amount": "1000.00",
"currency_code": "KES",
"description": "Order XX Purchase"
"checkout_request_id": 122735
Encryption Payload
In order to perform a card charge on Direct card API, you need to encrypt your payment information and call our /charge endpoint with the encrypted payload.
Let’s encrypt the Source Of Funds data parameter in the request above using the public key Cipher Type: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding. See Checkout encryption snippet
The encryption should done for card information data below
Sample encrypted parameters
"card": {
"nameOnCard": "John Doe",
"number": "5436031030606378",
"cvv": "123",
"expiry": {
"month": "12",
"year": "23"
Encryption Output
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
status | JSONObject | Contains status code and description. |
status_code | Integer | Status Code of the transaction |
status_description | String | Description of the payment processing |
results | JSONObject | |
3ds | String | true/false - false to charge the card without 3DS |
msisdn | Long | Customer Mobile number |
amount_paid | String | Amount authorized on the card |
cpg_transaction_id | String | Unique transactionID on the Cellulant Payment Gateway |
payer_transaction_id | String | Unique transaction reference/id from the acquirer |
account_number | String | Payment reference |
currency_code | String | ISO Code currency for the transaction |
token | String | Tokenized card details |
card_prefix | String | Card Number |
agreement_id | String | This is the enrolment ID generated by Mastercard confirming the customer has agreed to be charged for recurring payments |
Response Body
"status": {
"status_code": 200,
"status_description": "Card Charge Success"
"results": {
"3ds": "false",
"msisdn": 254791498482,
"amount_paid": "1000.00",
"cpg_transaction_id": "405696965049847808",
"payer_transaction_id": "68779_302412268342",
"account_number": "31318461289",
"currency_code": "KES",
"token": null,
"card_prefix": "512345xxxxxx0008",
"rrn": "302412268342"
Status Codes
Status Code | Status Description |
200 | Transaction was successful |
203 | Rejected due to Address Verification System data mismatch (name, address, etc.). Retry with a different card or contact your bank to update address details |
204 | Transaction may or may not have been successful, but MUST be canceled to comply with sanctions and law enforcement. Retry with a different card |
205 | Transaction rejected due to CVV mismatch. Retry transaction with correct CVV |
209 | The card is expired. Retry with a different card |
210 | Transaction has been blocked due to fraud. Retry with a different card |
211 | Amount is too high, too low, does not match a previous authorisation or is otherwise invalid. Retry with a different amount |
212 | Card data (PAN, expiry date or CVV) are invalid. Retry with correct card details |
213 | PAN is invalid. Retry with correct card PAN |
214 | Transaction declined by acquirer. Retry with a different card |
215 | Rejected due to problems on the issuer side. Retry with a different card |
216 | Insufficient funds or withdrawal limit exceeded. Fund account or retry with a different card |
217 | Card reported as lost. Contact issuing bank or retry with a different card |
219 | Transaction not permitted to either issuer, cardholder, acquirer or merchant. Retry with a different card |
220 | Transaction was successful for only a partial amount, void transaction and try again |
222 | Rejected due to issues with cardholder PIN. Retry with correct card PIN or a different card |
223 | Transaction has been rejected, please contact your card issuer or retry with a different card |
224 | Transaction was processed, but has been flagged for manual review due to suspicion of fraud |
225 | Card has been reported as stolen. Contact issuing bank |
226 | Transaction timed out with unclear status; recommend to cancel and retry with a different card |
616 | Token not found. Retry with a valid token |
617 | Duplicate reference number. Reinitiate transaction with a unique Merchant transaction ID |
629 | Transaction blocked due to suspected fraud. Contact card issuer for support |
631 | Missing card number. Please provide the card number |
632 | Missing card expiry field. Please provide the card expiry field |
633 | Missing card expiry month field. Please provide the card expiry month field |
634 | Missing card expiry year field. Please provide the card expiry year field |
637 | Invalid Country Code passed. Please provide the correct country code |
642 | Customer email is required |
644 | Invalid card BIN format. Value should be numeric |
647 | Card BIN is required |
648 | Invalid card BIN length passed |
651 | Missing card number. Please provide card number for card tokenization requests |
655 | Incorrect card pin length. Card PIN must be four (4) digit(s) |
656 | Unsupported request type. Set isCvvLess flag to True |
660 | Invalid card length %s scheme. % card length should be % |
661 | Invalid card PAN. Retry with correct card PAN |
662 | Incorrect Expiry year length. Expiry year must be 2 digits |
663 | Incorrect Expiry month length. Expiry month must be 2 digits |
664 | Incorrect Expiry month. Expiry month must be value must be between 1 and 12 |
665 | Incorrect Expiry year. Expiry month must be value must be between 0 and 99 |
667 | Invalid CVV format. Card Verification Value must be a numeric value between 3 and 4 digits |
668 | BIN passed in card issuer information does not match card BIN |
671 | Card details is not required for delete token requests. Send only token |
672 | Missing token. Token is required delete token requests |
673 | Missing card pin. cardPin is required for VERVE Cards |
675 | Unsupported request type. Set tokenizeCard flag to false |
1067 | We are unable to process your request at the moment. Please contact support via [email protected] |
1700 | Invalid currencyCode or currencyCode {currencyValue} has not been configured |
1701 | Invalid or expired request. Data not found for the specified service and checkoutRequestId |
1702 | Account Number Mismatch. Account number should be same as used in initiate checkout request |
1703 | Invalid countryCode or countryCode {countryCodeValue} has not been configured |
1704 | Payment Option not configured for paymentOptionCode and countryCode |
1707 | Invalid sourceOfFunds value passed. Encrypt with valid encryption credentials |