
Ask a Question

cannot proceed when i try to simulate payment

cannot proceed when i try to simulate payment

Access Token

Please how can i find my access code to use in my api call request please

White labelling on checkout form

Does the platform offer white labelling and personalization based on company logo and colors?

getting gateway timeout error while redirecting to PG page

getting gateway timeout error while redirecting to PG page

Checkout Express - Algorithm to encript payload

Good morning What is the exact algorithm used to encrypt the payload at the checkout express? I have a problem that is that, although my project is in C#, it is a legacy project and the available library only works on .NET Core projects, which means that is impossible to use that library. I am trying to implementate the encrypt function by hand to integrate with your gateway.

Foreign Currency Virtual Card Issuing

Is there an API for issuing of foreign currency virtual card to a foreign currency virtual account?

I can't access https://app.uat.tingg.africa/cas/login

How can I get access to this page to integrate with express checkout and custom checkout. When I hit this url: <https://app.uat.tingg.africa/cas/login> I got CORS issue ![](https://files.readme.io/62dd6b6-image.png)

Sandbox testing

Where can I get to test a free sandbox coz everything starting from accessing the token is not working?

error testing

User authentication was not successful

Start integration

How can I start integrating to your APIs?